It continues to be confusing to clients and is unrelated to any title issue Of course, wetlands could be addressed with an additional Table A item negotiated as an item Table A item 19 – The wording of this item has been revised yet again By selecting this item, offsite easementsFarmtotable (or farmtofork, and in some cases farmtoschool) is a social movement which promotes serving local food at restaurants and school cafeterias, preferably through direct acquisition from the producer (which might be a winery, brewery, ranch, fishery, or other type of food producer which is not strictly a "farm") This might be accomplished by a direct salesLoopNet offers a number of asset type search filters, including one for Land Users can typically find dozens of listings for commercial land, vacant land, farmland, ranches, as well as other less traditional land assets Land And Farm Land And Farm is a listings platform catering specifically to users looking to buy and sell land Land To Tab...